Safari Ants, Baggy Pants And Elephants: A Kenyan Odyssey

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The long-awaited sequel to Susie Kelly's US Amazon Top 40 ranking memoir I Wish I Could Say I Was Sorry

More than 40 years after leaving Kenya, Susie unexpectedly finds herself returning for a safari organised by an old friend.

With her husband Terry, Susie sets off for a holiday touring the game reserves, but what she finds far exceeds her expectations. In this, her seventh, travelogue, she takes readers from five star hotels to luxury tents in the wilderness, and to poverty in Nairobi's slums, describing a journey of joy, excitement, discovery, nostalgia, of new friendships and encounters of the very close kind with Kenya’s majestic wildlife. Forgotten memories come flooding back as she revisits the scenes of her childhood and adolescence, so movingly portrayed in her popular memoir I Wish I Could Say I Was Sorry, many of them changed beyond recognition.

Written in her characteristic laid back style, this is a travel tale that will appeal to all those readers who have enjoyed Susie's previous books, as well as anybody who has lived in or dreams of visiting Kenya, the magical land Susie still thinks of as ‘home’.

'Vivid, moving, entertaining. Anybody thinking of taking a safari holiday in Kenya, or who would like to take an armchair safari to Kenya, should read this book.'

"Hemingway wrote: 'I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy.' That is how I feel about Kenya. You feel at once insignificant and amazing, just for being here. This magnificent, beautiful country, birthplace of mankind, owner of my heart." Susie Kelly, 2017


'I’ve just been on a wonderful safari trip to Kenya! At least that’s how it felt. As a lover of all wildlife this was a trip that I could only ever dream about, but this book more than satisfied my curiosity and thirst for knowledge about African wildlife.' MRS BLOGGS BOOKS

'A wonderful & poignant African safari. Being an animal fanatic I enjoyed learning so much about African wildlife from this book and also the incredible people who care for, and protect it' SUSAN KEEFE

'Susie is a great ambassador for Kenya. It’s the best safari experience you are likely to get, without going on safari!' FRENCH VILLAGE DIARIES

'I consider myself rather knowledgeable about wildlife, yet I still found plenty here that was new to me about the animals and the Masai Mara in particular.' ANDREW IVES

'Susie Kelly's books are always a delight to read. The descriptions were informative, insightful and at times hilarious.'

'Wonderful read. I have avidly read each of Susie's previously published books.'

'One of my best reads ever. Cannot recommend this book enough - beautifully written (as always) and having lived in Kenya myself during the same period empathise totally with every word she writes.'

'She has a fantastic gift & is right up there with the likes of Chris Stewart of ( Driving over Lemons ) fame. What a fantastic read.'

'It's so very well-written, so easy to read, so funny and entertaining, so informative and educational.'

'I'm a big fan of Susie Kelly and her travels. Susie - where you going next? I'll be in my armchair right there with you!'

'What a fabulous trip. Delightful.'

'Thoroughly enjoyable as well as being informative. Certainly made me look forward to such a journey some day!'

'Susie Kelly has a wonderful way with words and descriptions and a fantastic sense of humour.'

'More than your average safari. I pre-ordered the book, received it on 6th June and read it the same off the hook and cup of tea at hand. I will be reading it again, many times.'

'Susie Kelly is one of my favourite authors and this book didn't disappoint.'

'What a fantastic read. I have read all of Susie Kelly's books, some of them three times.'

'No bras and makeup! I adore reading Susie's books, so full of humour and everyday hiccups!'